Just like
it happens with clothes and accessories, decoration trends change every year,
and that is why people usually change their rooms accordingly.
Those who
are wondering which are the coming trends on decoration for 2014, we will give
you some tips and up coming flashes so that you start thinking about what
changes you may make in your house.
to some decoration specialists, during 2014, the golden-coloured materials will
be incorporated in the decoration of rooms. Only a few touches of gold (like in
the pictures frames, or mirrors, or the edges of your cushions) will be one of
the upcoming trends for 2014
in Buenos Aires.
You should always bear in mind that if you want to add something new and chic
in the decoration of your house, make sure it matches with everything else
you’ve got at home, in order to keep balance.
shiny colours will be included in the decoration of many trendy places in 2014.
Having a touch of shiny colours like, green, fuchsia, blue, and orange, among
others will be a popular choice. On the other hand, those who prefer having a
more sober decoration, black will be cool and trendy as well in 2014.Those
people who would rather decorate their house with black, instead of having
shiny colours, may go for it and choose black cushions, or vases, or even
frames for their different rooms at home. Be careful not to abuse of black,
since it could make the room look smaller and darker if you have too many
things in black. It is always recommended to use neutral colours, like the
always-in-trend- white, and add some touches of other colours (like black or
the new shiny ones) in order to keep balance at home.
In 2014,
another thing that will be trendy when decorating your rooms at home are the
geometric shapes, used in fabrics, tapestry, and even furniture…
decoration trend for 2014 is varied, so you may choose whatever you like and
suits best with your house and your current decoration, and start “tuning” your
rooms for next year…