Friday, October 05, 2012

How to paint your apartment

First, we should warn you that painting an apartment or even a room is not a super easy activity; still, it is not impossible. For those who want to paint their apartments, we will now give you some tips so you know how to do a good job.

First, it is always recommended to buy good quality paint. If it is not of good quality, it may turn out to be expensive, since it will last less, and it may leave stains when you paint.

Second, once you have the paint, you should first cover all the things you don’t want to paint: plugs, switches, furniture, floors, mirrors, windows and doorframes, baseboards, etc. To cover your furniture you can use old sheets or tablecloths. For the rest, you may use newspapers and paper tape. In case of splashing or stains, it is recommended to clean the area immediately with a wet piece of cloth.

Before you start painting, you will have to clean the surface, that is, it should be free of imperfections and damp. If you have any problem of this sort, the recommendation is that you sand down the area. Nevertheless, if there is a crack, you should cover it first.

Once you have solved this issue, you may start painting. Still, before starting, make sure you have all the necessary elements to do so. If you do, stir the paint before you start using it (and every time you start over), and start painting. It is recommended to start painting the ceiling and then, the walls.

Some other tips you should bear in mind are the following: don’t thin the paint with more water than the recommended amount, since this could leave marks and drips, or it may not cover (i.e. paint) as it should; buy all the paint in one time, in order you avoid changes in tone (for this should calculate how much paint you will need in advance).

Even though every piece of advice is useful and you should remember them, bear in mind that painting an apartment or a room can be fun and it will turn up great!