Sunday, January 27, 2013

Apartment-friendly dog breeds

Dogs have always been considered a good company for men; they are loyal, friendly, and they are always willing to give love. Many people enjoy having a dog, even when they have to live all together in the smallest apartment ever.

Even though some people like big dogs, the truth is that in small apartments, having a big dog wouldn’t be good for either the dog or the person living there; the best option is to have small or medium-sized dogs.

Before mentioning some of the breeds of dogs that would adapt best to living in an apartment, it should be mentioned that even if you have a small dog, they always need to take fresh air, move, and do some exercise. It is not good for a dog to be locked all day anywhere.

Now, we will now mention some of the dogs that could get used to living in an apartment:

Pug: They are very small, good companions, although they can be a bit jealous.

English bulldog: This breed doesn’t need to do too much exercise, which makes them perfect for those living in an apartment. They are an easy breed to train, and they are really good companions.

French bulldog: This breed is loyal and friendly, and it generally adapts to its owner and not to the place they live in, which means they should adapt great to an apartment.

Maltese: Maltese dogs are quiet and sociable. Even though they enjoy the outdoors, they are a good option for those living in an apartment, since they spend a lot of time resting.

Poodle: This breed requires only little time in the outdoors, and they don’t usually smell, which is perfect if you are living in small places.

Cocker Spaniel: Besides being really cute, cockers usually adapt to the space that surrounds them, which means they are ideal for apartments (plus, they are small sized).

Pekingese dogs: The good thing about this breed is that they tend to be more independent that other dogs, and they don’t usually get on top of its owner and stick to him/her all day long; The dog will be happy by just having its owner near (in the same room).

The good thing about dogs, in comparison with cats, is that they generally care more about the owner than the place they live in, so they tend to adapt easier to small places. Still, you shouldn’t forget that they are living creatures and they have needs. So you should pay attention to them, play, take them out, etc… So if you are planning to have a dog in an apartment, you should at least take him out once or twice a day.