Saturday, November 09, 2013

Extension on the term for the declaration of money

In September 2013, the period for the declaration on undeclared money (and to buy Cedin and Baade Certificates with said money) came to an end. Since the Government managed to collect only 5% (approximately) of what they expected, they have decided to extend the period until the end of 2013. This way, with the extension of the period for 3 more months, the Government expects to increase the income of money from account that people have abroad.

Even though there have been different opinions on whether the period for the declaration of money should be extended or not, the President of Argentina had the last word, and decided to extend said period.

According to the Head of the AFIP [Administracion Federal de Ingresos Publicos – Public Income Administration in Argentina], Ricardo Etchegaray, on the tax level, the declaration of money and exchange of  Cedin and Baade Certificates were not profitable, and he recommended that the period should not be extended. Still, the Head of Foreign Trade in Argentina, Guillermo Moreno, thought the opposite and recommended that the period for the declaration of money should be extended, so that people can invest in Cedin and Baade certificates.

One of the objectives of the declaration of money was made with the intention of reactivating the real estate business in Argentina and help the economy of the country. One of the ways the government thought the Real Estate Business could start moving again was by creating the Cedin Certificates which can be used in the real estate transactions.

According to Guillermo Moreno, the proposal of the declaration of savings didn’t work as they expected because of the elections that took place in August and in October this year. Elections generally tend to create doubt and uncertainty. For this reason, the head of the Foreign Trade Department thought the period should be extended.

With this extension on the period for the declaration of savings and the creation of Cedin and Baade Certificates, it is expected that the government manages to collect the amount of money expected since the beginning in order to help the country’s economy.