The neighborhood of Palermo
is one of the most populated of the City of Buenos Aires . For many decades, many citizens
have chosen to live in Palermo ,
and this has caused the continuous growth of the neighborhood. Moreover, during
the last few years, due to the popularity that the construction business had,
the number of houses in Palermo
has raised even more. According to a report made by the “Ministerio de
Desarrollo Urbano" [Department of Urban Development] in the City of Buenos Aires , there are 5
neighborhoods that sum 43% of the total of constructed houses in the last
decade. Palermo
is one of these neighborhoods, and it has 13,6% of the total. According to the
census done in 2010, the number of houses in the neighborhood of Palermo sums 141.377. If
you compare this number to the one resulted in 2001 Census (94.467), the number
of houses in Palermo
has increased 46.910 in
ten years.
One of the aspects of this increase in the
number of houses in Palermo
is that it has appreciated some areas of the neighborhood that didn't use to be
Another neighborhood that has grown a lot
in the number of constructed houses is Belgrano. Belgrano has increased a 6,7%
in the last decade, which means a lot if we compare its size with Palermo 's.
For many years, many companies have decided
to set in Belgrano and Núñez, which has helped the neighborhood grow. Moreover,
many people have decided to move into the northern region of the City of Buenos Aires , and
Belgrano is one of them. Likewise, many who work in the "Zona Norte"
of Buenos Aires
chooses Belgrano as its residence neighborhood, because it is within the city,
but near work and it has also easy access to the downtown area of the city.
According to the 2010 Census, the number of
houses in the Commune no 13 (which includes the neighborhoods of Belgrano,
Núñez and Colegiales) has reached 129.745.
So, even though the construction activity
has slowed down during the last months, there are still some constructions
going on, which can increase the number of houses in the neighborhoods of
Belgrano and Núñez.