Before the
arrival of 2013, many citizens of Buenos
Aires received a not-so-pleasant present: the “ABL”1
bill. In an attempt to calm the negative reaction that the increase on the
Lighting and Cleaning tax created, the chief of government, Mauricio Macri
explained the reason of said increase and apologized for it.
to Macri, the rise on the ABL in the City of Buenos Aires is due to the inflation that the
country is having. According to the Chief of the Government of the City, there
is a current 25% of inflation that affects everything: salaries, services,
fuel, etc. The increase would round a 23%; nevertheless, many people received
an increase that exceeded the 23% and got up to 100% or more. According to what
Macri explained, “The idea is to take the tax rate up to 1% of the commercial
value of each house; so if a property is worth 1,000,000 pesos, the owner will
have to pay 10,000 pesos of tax.
Since many
of the new increases still don’t cover that 1% of the total value on some
houses, during the next years the prices on ABL will continue to rise until
they reach that percentage.
increase on the ABL in the City of Buenos Aires wasn’t well received by the
citizens specially after having suffered some troubles weeks ago, where the
garbage on the streets hadn't been gathered; there were also some electricity
shut downs and flooding in many areas of the city.
citizens of Buenos Aires have made their claims
to the “Asociación de Defensa de Usuarios y Consumidores de la Argentina
(Adecua)" [in charge of defending consumer’s rights]. This association is
investigating the cases, although it states that the increase on the ABL is
supported by the Law no. 4040” ,
which was approved in 2011, and which allows the executive power of the City of
Buenos Aires to
update the tax rate once a year.
The reason
why the increase was so big in some cases is because this tax has never been automatically
updated, so, for many years many people have paid too little, and now the updating
came and the change is too big. The overall problem and discontent of the
citizens of Buenos Aires
is due to the fact that the tax seems too high for the services that are being