Friday, May 17, 2013

Living on a building over an avenues, is it safer?

Nowadays, security in Buenos Aires is an important factor when people are choosing a house or an apartment to live in. The truth is that no neighborhood is free from burglaries, but some things may help the area to be more or less safer.

As you can read or hear in the news, these days, buildings are not exempt from being robbed. Nevertheless, many neighbors who live in buildings around the city of Buenos Aires today choose to hire security services, or install cameras in order to feel a bit safer.

Likewise, many people think or believe that if they live over an avenue that is crowded, security is higher. This may be true, since if there is a lot of people and cars moving all day long, burglars may be more exposed. Moreover, those streets that are very busy usually have more police control.

Some of the avenues of Buenos Aires that may be safer, or at least they can feel that way, may be those that have many shops or that are more touristy.

These avenues of Buenos Aires may be Av. Santa Fe, Av. Cordoba, Av. Cabildo, among others.

Of course that there may be some parts of the avenues that are not as important as others, or that they don’t have as much movement as others. Those areas that are not as busy as others may be equally safe as living in a regular street, when referring to security.

The truth is that there may be also some regular streets (not avenues) that are well-lit and that are busy streets which may turn out to be as safe as living in a building over an avenue.

To conclude, it may be true that living in a building over an avenue is safer, but this is not a 100% true fact; it will depend on the avenue, the neighborhood, the security in general of the area and other factors that should be analyzed particularly for each case.