Friday, September 06, 2013

Tips to avoid accumulating things you don't use in your apartment

Nowadays, the mass consumption of things (you generally could live without) is something we are used to, and it could become a problem, especially if you live in a small place. Those who tend to accumulate without any reason, or who have many things in their apartments and they lack space to move around, should probably read this and see if it is good advice for them.

In the first place, is it recommended you don’t buy things you will never use, and that you know they will take up space. This applies to everything: edible things, personal (small) objects, clothes, and even pieces of furniture. Even though the things are cheap or you find them in the street in good shape and you like them, think twice if you are ever going to use that thing before taking it home.

Another tip for those people who like or can’t help accumulating things and don’t have much space at home, is you do some “cleaning” on a periodical basis (every few weeks for example, or at least, once a month). By “cleaning” we mean throwing away those things you haven’t used in a while, or that you know you don't really need. This way, (cleaning once in a while) will prevent you from having to do a big cleaning (which may take days or weeks) once a year for example. If you keep your apartment free of useless stuff, you will have more space and a cleaner (and wider) apartment. Besides, those things you don’t need and you have there taking up space, could be useful to someone else who do needs it.

This tip of getting rid of things we don’t use applies, as we have mentioned, to everything in your apartment: clothes, furniture, food, decoration objects, and everything you may think of.

Maybe these two pieces of advice are the best way to avoid accumulating things in your apartment; so remember: don’t buy things you are not going to use, and get rid of all you haven’t used in a while. This way, you may have more space at home and move freely around your apartment.