Monday, August 13, 2012

Heating your apartment: different options

Nowadays, there are plenty of ways of heating a house. Some are more expensive to install, others to maintain, and they all have their pros and cons. Those who are planning to change their heating system or are about to install a new one, and don’t know which one to choose, we will now mention the different ways of heating your house. Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning that it is always cheaper to isolate the house than heating it.

Nowadays, one of the mostly used types of heating is the radiator. This type of heating system can be attached to any wall, since it does not need an outflow, like the regular gas heaters, and it can be controlled from the boiler or from each radiator. Boilers may function with natural gas or bottled gas.

Moreover, another way of heating your apartment can be through radiant heating. This type of heating system is a 20-30% more efficient than the radiators. This type of heating systems warms up uniformly and you avoid having radiators all around the house.

Moving forward, another type of heating system used these days is the electric floor heating. Since it has an individual thermostat in each room (or at least it is recommended this way), this type of heating allows you to use it only in the rooms where there are people. Moreover, some specialists say that it is easier and much cheaper to heat a floor than to heat the air, so you can save money.

Another way of heating your home is through heating panels. This type of heating system does not require any installation and it can be painted in the color of your wall. If you choose this type of heating system, you need to consider that spaces shouldn’t be too wide, neither should they be open spaces.

On the other hand, we can also mention the wood fireplace. Although this type of heating system may be nice to watch, nowadays it is too expensive to have this type of heating working at home, all day long.

Of course, we cannot fail to mention the regular gas heaters or some other electric heaters that you may find in the market. Still, you should bear in mind that the electric heating devices may be too expensive if you are planning to use it all they long.
Every type of heating is valid; you should consider the options and see which one suits your needs best.