Wednesday, August 15, 2012

More consortiums do without the full time superintendents

According to the latest news, during the last few years, the wages of the superintendents of buildings in Argentina have increased in great percentages. Some specialists say that their wages rise according to the real percentage of inflation. In contrast, the wages of a business employee rises according to the earnings of the companies. This has generated (and still generates) problems within the tenants that must pay their monthly maintenance fees, and if wages go up, so does maintenance fees. The percentage assigned to the superintendents’ wages (of the total of the maintenance fees) is of 60%.

For these reasons, the consortiums are starting to let supers go and they are hiring cleaning companies to clean the common areas of the building. Nonetheless, letting a super go is not an easy thing to do, since the superintendents’ union "Suterh” would handle the compensation fees and they enforce the super’s rights.

Another reason why the consortiums want to stop depending on building supers is the following: the tenants whose building superintendent has many years of seniority. Thanks to the negotiations done by Suterh, Supers earn 2% more over their wages. Currently, Supers wages can go from $3.500 to $9.000 pesos a month, according to their seniority. Plus, the superintendent’s expenses on light, gas, telephone, TV cable service, among others should be added to the maintenance fees. In contrast, hiring a private cleaning business could cost around $2.000 - $2.400 pesos a month.

Another reason for not having a Super is that the apartment where he/she lives may be rented and so general maintenance fees can be divided into more apartments.

Moreover, nowadays, many Supers don’t do their jobs completely, and they are not at the entrance door of the building as they should. So, this requires hiring a private security service, which means spending more money. Plus, the supper has one less thing to do.

Thus, maintenance fees are going up, not only because of inflation rates but for the Super’s wages. For this reason, among others, many consortiums are analyzing  to let supers idle and hire private companies for cleaning and security service. This new trend is becoming popular in the new buildings.