Currently, many people of the city of
Let’s start with the good things. One interesting thing about living in a country house is that you are surrounded by nature and live in a calm environment. People can go walking along "green”, peaceful areas without having to go too far, since almost every country has its own little forest or tree area. Moreover, kids have the freedom to go anywhere inside the country without parents having to worry about where they are and how they get somewhere.
Another issue to have in mind is security. Even though, nowadays, country houses are not free from burglars, and people have to lock their doors when they leave, it is not the same environment as in the city. Kids can play outside without having to worry.
Another advantage of living on a country house is that they usually offer a common area where you can celebrate birthdays, or any event. They also generally offer a swimming pool, in case you don’t have one at home.
On the other hand, one of the major disadvantages of living in a country house is distance. Even though these days, they are usually surrounded by malls or commercial areas, big supermarkets, etc., the city allows you to go and buy things without having to go on your car. This problem of the distance is generally bigger when you have adolescents at home. They usually want to go out on weekends, and you need to take them, or see how they go and come back.
An issue that is a fact whether you live on the city or a country house is neighbors. Wherever you live, you can always have some problems with them (not always, of course). The interesting thing about having problems with your country house’s neighbors is that you can “report” them with the administration of the place, should you not reach an agreement first.
As many things in life, choosing where to live is not easy; and everything has its good things and bad ones. Nonetheless, it is a matter of balancing the pro and cons in your particular case, and then decide whether you prefer to living in the city or in a country house.