Living near the rail roads or being surrounded by constructions areas can be more than annoying. Those who have lived for many years can get used to the train passing by or its horn, but when it comes to construction noise, as it is temporary, it usually can be a bit irritating.
Even though the noise of the city is generally alike in all parts of the city, these particular noises can make things worse. Even though the ear can get use to a constant noise and in the end, you can live with it, it can still be stressful.
One positive aspect of living near the rail roads is that, if you take the train regularly, you don't have to walk too much. Nonetheless, the nearer you are to the rail station itself or the level crossing, the louder it gets, since many cars like to sound the horn so that the car in front of them moves, or the train sounds the horn when it arrives, when it leaves, etc.
Constructions around one’s home are a different story. As we have mentioned previously, this is temporary, which can be seen as a good thing. Nevertheless, as there are constant new noises, makes it more noticeable. Besides the noises, the dust and the dirt they produce (and get home) is really irritating.
On the other hand, buying or renting a house near the rail roads can be cheaper. The problem appears when you have to sell it, since it will also be cheaper. Contrary to that, in the case of constructions, if your neighborhood is having many of them, in the near future, this can benefit the price of sale of your house, since, if the constructions make the block prettier, it will be good.
To conclude, it will depend on every person to see the advantages and disadvantages of living near the rail road and how much it can affect you, whether it is noise or movement. On the other hand, constructions will generally be annoying but there is not much we can do, and, eventually, it will end up…