Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Taxes increase in Buenos Aires in 2014

After the budgetary meeting that took place on April, 2013 in the attempt of calculating the variations on the budget for 2014 in the City of Buenos Aires, the GOVERNMENT reached the conclusion that in 2014 the RAISE on the “ABL- Alumbrado, Barrido y Limpieza” (tax on street lights and cleaning) would increase on 40%.

According to some comments from the media, during 2014, the rise percentage would vary according to the valuation of the house: houses that worth up $150.000 Argentine Pesos will suffer a increase of up to 20%; those houses that worth between $151.000 and $300.000 pesos will suffer an increase of up to 30%; and those that worth more than $300.000 pesos will suffer as increase of up to 40%.

In relation to other years, the increase of the ABL in 2014 will not be as high as it has been in previous years, since during 2012 and 2013 there has been increases that reached 1000%. According to the government, this great rise on the ABL tax had to be made in order to determine the budgets for the coming year; plus, the prices where said to be behind according to the inflation rate.

The increase on the ABL tax in Buenos Aires for 2014 and on those that took place in the previous years were done in accordance with the “Ley Tarifaria” [Law on Tax rates in Argentina] signed in 2011, which allowed increases and also set some limits. As we have mentioned, even though the increase on the ABL will be high, it will not be as high as in the prior years.

It is estimated that with the increase on the ABL in 2014, around $4343 million pesos (just with the ABL tax will be collected. This sum has to be added to other taxes such as licenses, patents, among others. Altogether it is estimated that the Government of the City of Buenos Aires will collect 24% more on taxes than in 2013, and it estimates that it will have an expenditure of about 10,000 millions on public works.

Thus, for 2014, an increase of up to 40% is expected in the ABL tax. Still, the increase will depend on the price of each property, so we will have to wait for the bill to arrive.