When it
comes to renting an apartment, the terms and conditions will depend on the
arrangements made between the landlord and the tenant, and they usually differ
in each contract. Still, there are some expenses and services that should be
paid by the landlord OR the tenant.
examples of the expenses that are usually in charge of the tenant that rents
the apartment are the light expenses, the gas bill, the telephone bill, etc. In
some cases, some of these services are included in the maintenance fees charged
monthly in the building. In those cases, the tenant usually pays the common
maintenance fees in order to cover these expenses. Nevertheless, the
maintenance fees is something that needs to be discussed before signing a lease
contract, since the ordinary maintenance fees are usually paid each month by
the tenant, and the extraordinary maintenance fees are usually paid by the
landlord; still, this needs to be cleared beforehand, since problems usually
arise over the matter. For example, if something breaks because the tenant
misused it, who should pay it?
generally speaking, the monthly bills like telephone, gas, electricity, etc are
usually paid by the tenant, but other expenses like the tax on Real Estate, etc
are usually paid by the ladlord. Still, as we have mentioned at the beginning,
the terms and conditions over expenses and its payment should be arranged
between the landlord and the tenant before singing the lease contract… this
way, future problems could be avoided.