Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Improvements in the Construction Business

After several months of lack of news, finally, during the last 4 months there has been an increase in the percentage of sales on the construction supplies. From April, 2013, the sales over the supplies for the construction business have gone up. During July, the sales continued to climb up and they have reached an increase of more than 10%.

According to the INDEC (the government’s institution of Argentina in charge of taking statistics over the economic activities, among other measurements and duties), during the first two trimesters of 2013, the construction activity has evidenced an increase of 7% and 8.2% (respectively). Moreover, the positive news has also reached the real estate business, since in September an increase of 6.3% on the signing of title deeds has been registered in the “Colegio de Escribanos Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires” (The Notary Public’s institution of Buenos Aires).

This information about the increase on the sale of construction supplies has been given by the "Indice Construya", an index that it is elaborated by companies that manufacture and sell supplies for constructions.

These positive results would mean an increase and reactivation on the constructions in Buenos Aires. Therefore, these results could mean the beginning of new expectation on the real estate business, which has been waiting for a change for many months now.

Results show that the construction business is finally moving up instead of being frozen for many months in the last year. Still, it is a matter of waiting and seeing if the numbers continue to increase in the next months both in the construction and the real estate markets.

Decoration trends for 2014 in Buenos Aires

Just like it happens with clothes and accessories, decoration trends change every year, and that is why people usually change their rooms accordingly.

Those who are wondering which are the coming trends on decoration for 2014, we will give you some tips and up coming flashes so that you start thinking about what changes you may make in your house.

According to some decoration specialists, during 2014, the golden-coloured materials will be incorporated in the decoration of rooms. Only a few touches of gold (like in the pictures frames, or mirrors, or the edges of your cushions) will be one of the upcoming trends for 2014 in Buenos Aires. You should always bear in mind that if you want to add something new and chic in the decoration of your house, make sure it matches with everything else you’ve got at home, in order to keep balance.

Moreover, shiny colours will be included in the decoration of many trendy places in 2014. Having a touch of shiny colours like, green, fuchsia, blue, and orange, among others will be a popular choice. On the other hand, those who prefer having a more sober decoration, black will be cool and trendy as well in 2014.Those people who would rather decorate their house with black, instead of having shiny colours, may go for it and choose black cushions, or vases, or even frames for their different rooms at home. Be careful not to abuse of black, since it could make the room look smaller and darker if you have too many things in black. It is always recommended to use neutral colours, like the always-in-trend- white, and add some touches of other colours (like black or the new shiny ones) in order to keep balance at home.

In 2014, another thing that will be trendy when decorating your rooms at home are the geometric shapes, used in fabrics, tapestry, and even furniture…

The decoration trend for 2014 is varied, so you may choose whatever you like and suits best with your house and your current decoration, and start “tuning” your rooms for next year…

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Foreigners sell their properties in Buenos Aires

After almost two years of complications to get dollars, the foreigners that a while ago came to buy an apartment or property in Buenos Aires, now have decided to leave and sell their property. This is what it seems to have happened during the last few months, according to the analysis made in the Real Estate specialists in Argentina.

According to the Media and specialists on the Real Estate business, many foreigners who were interested in buying a property now don’t see it as an option, and those who have already bought a property, are now interested in selling it.

A few years ago, many foreigners came to Argentina, and Buenos Aires, in the search of an apartment with amenities; generally they looked for apartments in the most expensive neighbourhoods or areas of Buenos Aires, like Puerto Madero, Recoleta, or even in the northern area (outside the City of Buenos Aires) like Tigre or San Isidro. What seemed to attract the foreigners about Buenos Aires and its properties was those “classy” apartments with plenty of amenities (like Jacuzzi, sauna, etc.). The nice apartments, together with the convenience of the exchange rate they had in favour, really caught their attention. Today, since it is complicated to get dollars, and the whole world is going through an economic crisis, foreigners have chosen to sell the properties (if they have one here), so the situation has reversed; at least for now.

The Real Estate business situation in Buenos Aires and in Argentina is stuck at the moment, and the unstable economic situation does not help; so, it is matter of waiting and seeing what happens in order to start attracting foreigners who are interested once again in buying properties in Buenos Aires.

Compulsory expenses you need to pay when renting an apartment

When it comes to renting an apartment, the terms and conditions will depend on the arrangements made between the landlord and the tenant, and they usually differ in each contract. Still, there are some expenses and services that should be paid by the landlord OR the tenant.

Some examples of the expenses that are usually in charge of the tenant that rents the apartment are the light expenses, the gas bill, the telephone bill, etc. In some cases, some of these services are included in the maintenance fees charged monthly in the building. In those cases, the tenant usually pays the common maintenance fees in order to cover these expenses. Nevertheless, the maintenance fees is something that needs to be discussed before signing a lease contract, since the ordinary maintenance fees are usually paid each month by the tenant, and the extraordinary maintenance fees are usually paid by the landlord; still, this needs to be cleared beforehand, since problems usually arise over the matter. For example, if something breaks because the tenant misused it, who should pay it?

So, generally speaking, the monthly bills like telephone, gas, electricity, etc are usually paid by the tenant, but other expenses like the tax on Real Estate, etc are usually paid by the ladlord. Still, as we have mentioned at the beginning, the terms and conditions over expenses and its payment should be arranged between the landlord and the tenant before singing the lease contract… this way, future problems could be avoided.

Living in the City of Buenos Aires or outside of it?

In the last few years, many people who lived in the City of Buenos Aires have decided that the city and its hustle and bustle weren’t the best way to live. Still, having the family and the workplace in the City of Buenos Aires made people consider moving out of the city but no too far from it. With that, many people decided that living on the other side of the “bridge” is a good alternative.

Some people decided to move into “country houses" (gated neighborhoods) outside the city, where they could feel safer and have nature around them. Others tried living in places like Tigre and fell in love with its river. The alternatives on where to live are plenty since Buenos Aires is huge.

Now, those who work in the City of Buenos Aires (especially in the downtown area), and live outside the city of Buenos Aires, should consider that it will take them longer to get to work. Still, many people would rather spend more time travelling to get to work (or home on the way back) and enjoy living in a quieter place. On the other hand, those who don’t enjoy traveling from one place to another on a daily basis should consider moving to another neighborhood within the City of Buenos Aires (a more residential and quiet neighborhood). Another thing you could consider is moving in the “Gran Buenos Aires” area (the municipalities that surround the City of Buenos Aires) near a train station or an avenue that has plenty of means of transport to get to work.

Nowadays, most neighborhoods and areas that surround the city of Buenos Aires have a great variety of options when it comes to moving around the area and its surroundings, and they also have many shops and supermarkets where you can get everything you need, so that is something to consider when moving.

Nonetheless, time is something to consider, and whether you are willing to waiste time travelling or not. If you work from home, that will not be a problem; you may move any place you like within the city of Buenso Aires or outside. Last, something to consider before moving outside the City is the cultural alternatives you have within the city and outside the city… specially those who enjoy going out at night.

Taxes increase in Buenos Aires in 2014

After the budgetary meeting that took place on April, 2013 in the attempt of calculating the variations on the budget for 2014 in the City of Buenos Aires, the GOVERNMENT reached the conclusion that in 2014 the RAISE on the “ABL- Alumbrado, Barrido y Limpieza” (tax on street lights and cleaning) would increase on 40%.

According to some comments from the media, during 2014, the rise percentage would vary according to the valuation of the house: houses that worth up $150.000 Argentine Pesos will suffer a increase of up to 20%; those houses that worth between $151.000 and $300.000 pesos will suffer an increase of up to 30%; and those that worth more than $300.000 pesos will suffer as increase of up to 40%.

In relation to other years, the increase of the ABL in 2014 will not be as high as it has been in previous years, since during 2012 and 2013 there has been increases that reached 1000%. According to the government, this great rise on the ABL tax had to be made in order to determine the budgets for the coming year; plus, the prices where said to be behind according to the inflation rate.

The increase on the ABL tax in Buenos Aires for 2014 and on those that took place in the previous years were done in accordance with the “Ley Tarifaria” [Law on Tax rates in Argentina] signed in 2011, which allowed increases and also set some limits. As we have mentioned, even though the increase on the ABL will be high, it will not be as high as in the prior years.

It is estimated that with the increase on the ABL in 2014, around $4343 million pesos (just with the ABL tax will be collected. This sum has to be added to other taxes such as licenses, patents, among others. Altogether it is estimated that the Government of the City of Buenos Aires will collect 24% more on taxes than in 2013, and it estimates that it will have an expenditure of about 10,000 millions on public works.

Thus, for 2014, an increase of up to 40% is expected in the ABL tax. Still, the increase will depend on the price of each property, so we will have to wait for the bill to arrive.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Elections at CUCICBA in October

On October, 8th, 2013, elections took place at the “Colegio Unico de Corredores Inmobiliarios de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (CUCICBA)” [Institute of Real Estate Brokers in the City of Buenos Aires].

After the elections, the results came to light and the “Lista Celeste y Blanca” was the one with most votes. Still, the opposing party, the “Lista Renovacion”, had 32% of the votes. This means that the “Lista Renovacion” will participate in the Governing Body of CUCICBA (3 members of the opposing list will participate), and it also has a group of 17 members at the assembly of CUCICBA.

These results turned out to be surprising for many because, if there are members of the opposing party, it is believed that the matters related to the Institute of Real Estate Brokers will be discussed in depth, and will result in the best interest of the enroled brokers.

As a result of the elections in October 2013 at the Institute of Real Estate Brokers in the City of Buenos Aires, the governing body is now composed by the following members:

Hugo Mennella (President); Carlos Sotelo (1st Vicepresident); Hector D´Odorico (Vicepresident 2nd); Jorge Antunez Vega (Secretary); Leonor de Achaval (2nd Secretary); Norberto Mosquera (Treasurer); Fernando Cancel (2nd Treasurer); Martin Boquete (Head Board member); Susana Spagnolo de Vincenti (Minute secretary).

Substitute Members: Nestor Walenten (1st Board member); Eduardo Crivelli Granelli (2nd Board member); Victor Capuccio (3rd Board member); Gabriela Goldszer (4th Board member); Roberto Mario Gomez (5th Board member); Omar Porta (6th Board member); Susana Di Dio de Representaçao (7th Board member); Julia Mel (8th Board member); Ana Rodriguez (9th Board member).

Extension on the term for the declaration of money

In September 2013, the period for the declaration on undeclared money (and to buy Cedin and Baade Certificates with said money) came to an end. Since the Government managed to collect only 5% (approximately) of what they expected, they have decided to extend the period until the end of 2013. This way, with the extension of the period for 3 more months, the Government expects to increase the income of money from account that people have abroad.

Even though there have been different opinions on whether the period for the declaration of money should be extended or not, the President of Argentina had the last word, and decided to extend said period.

According to the Head of the AFIP [Administracion Federal de Ingresos Publicos – Public Income Administration in Argentina], Ricardo Etchegaray, on the tax level, the declaration of money and exchange of  Cedin and Baade Certificates were not profitable, and he recommended that the period should not be extended. Still, the Head of Foreign Trade in Argentina, Guillermo Moreno, thought the opposite and recommended that the period for the declaration of money should be extended, so that people can invest in Cedin and Baade certificates.

One of the objectives of the declaration of money was made with the intention of reactivating the real estate business in Argentina and help the economy of the country. One of the ways the government thought the Real Estate Business could start moving again was by creating the Cedin Certificates which can be used in the real estate transactions.

According to Guillermo Moreno, the proposal of the declaration of savings didn’t work as they expected because of the elections that took place in August and in October this year. Elections generally tend to create doubt and uncertainty. For this reason, the head of the Foreign Trade Department thought the period should be extended.

With this extension on the period for the declaration of savings and the creation of Cedin and Baade Certificates, it is expected that the government manages to collect the amount of money expected since the beginning in order to help the country’s economy.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

The "stamp tax” in Buenos Aires' lease contracts

When a person celebrates a lease contract in Buenos Aires, whether it is private or commercial, that person should check if he/she has to pay the Stamp Tax (“Impuesto al sello”, in Spanish). This tax applies for those within the City of Buenos Aires.

The Stamp Tax should be paid when one of these situations happen:

-The lease or sub-lease contract has a commercial purpose and said property is within the City of Buenos Aires.

- The lease or sub-lease contract is for furnished apartments/houses that have a touristic purpose (and also is within the City of Buenos Aires).

Those who have to pay the Stamp Tax will have to pay 0.5% of the agreed price of the rent during the lease.

The payment of the Stamp Tax over the lease contracts is easy. In order to do it, the landlord or the tenant has to enter the website of “Rentas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires” (Income website of the City of Buenos Aires). Here, the landlord or the tenant should register in the “AGIP” (Administración Gubernamental de Ingresos Públicos – Income Administration of the City of Buenos Aires) in order to get the payment talon (of the Stamp Tax). Once the landlord or the tenant manages to complete all the information, the talon will be done, and same will have to be paid in a branch of the “Banco Ciudad” (Bank).

Remember that the Stamp Tax should be paid within 15 days after the lease contract has been signed. If you fail to pay it within said period, interests will begin to sum.

If you have any questions on the Stamp Tax, you may find more information on the “AGIP” website, where you will also find a guide on the payment procedure.

How to start the eviction of a tenant who breaches a contract

One of the biggest problems that a person may go through when renting his/her apartment is that the tenant does not pay rent or that he/she breaches the lease contract. Even though nobody likes to go through this situation, the truth is that if the tenant does not comply with his/her duties, the landlord will have to end up filing a court order for eviction.

For those who are in a situation like this in Buenos Aires, and who may have to get an eviction order from Court, here are some tips and steps to follow.

First of all, it is always recommended that you get advice from a lawyer, since he/she will help you and tell you what you should (and shouldn’t) do in your special situation. Otherwise, you may end up having more problems if you make a mistake, like getting your tenant to sue you.

Generally, the steps to follow when trying to get an eviction order for a tenant that breaches a contract is more or less the following in Buenos Aires:

-    First, you should probably send a legal notice where you inform the tenant that if he/she does not comply with his/her obligations, you will be forced to file an order for eviction (you should detail the cause of the notice, like lack of payment, termination of the lease contract, etc.)

-    If the tenant fails to answer, you will then probably have to file an order for eviction. Due to the new legislation in the City of Buenos Aires (law no. 684 bis), there is a faster way of getting the eviction order. Before this law came into effect, the landlord may have to wait years in order to get his property back. This new type of procedure only applies in those cases where the tenant fails to pay rent for a couple of months, or if the lease contract has expired. After proving that the landlord is right (and that he/she is not lying or hiding information), the eviction order should come out quickly.

In order to prove that the tenant is not complying with the lease contract, the landlord will have to file documentation on the matter. Within the proof the owner may file we can mention the lease contract, the bank account details (if the tenant used to deposit rent) or the receipts of the landlord (showing the landlord has not paid during the last few months), etc.

As we have mentioned at the beginning, it is always recommended that you ask a specialist who may assist you so you don’t have more problems and you solve the situation faster.

Property prices per square meters in pesos in the City of Buenos Aires

Even though the mind of several Argentines is still set in “dollar” mode, nowadays it is normal to find prices in Argentine pesos. The “pesificacion” (the way they call the process of changing the methods -or currency- of payment from dollar to pesos) for the real estate business was planned in order to unlock the selling-buying transactions, especially after it became harder to get dollars.

According to the media, in July 2013, it was estimated that the selling price of properties in Buenos Aires rounded the 500.000 argentine pesos. Moreover, in June 2013, the average sale price on the real estate transactions was of 575.000 argentine pesos.

Still, these are just statistics, since some specialists also comment that since there is not much demand or supply in the real estate market, there aren’t prices at all, and in general, prices tend to stay the same. This was explained by the President of the “Camara Inmobiliaria Argentina” [Real Estate Organization in Argentina], Roberto Arevalo. He also added that those owners who need to sell their property and who are tired of waiting, usually tend to lower the prices.

Other data that was collected on the price per square meters in the City of Buenos Aires and on the number of title deeds that have been closed during 2013 showed that the number of deeds on more expensive properties has risen. Still, the highest percentage of transactions on the Real Estate market signed in the City of Buenos Aires round the 250.000 and 500.000 Argentine pesos.

To conclude, the price per square meter in the City of Buenos Aires over properties has kept steady during the first half of 2013, especially due to the freeze on the sales that the Real Estate business has gone through. Nonetheless, in the end, each sale price will depend on each property and on the agreement that the buyer and the seller reach at the moment of closing the deal.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Selling an apartment with a lease contract in force

In many forums over the Web, one question seems to appear over and over again: may an owner sell his/her property if a lease contract is in force in Buenos Aires, Argentina?

The answer to this question is: Yes. Now, what the owner can't do is to throw the tenant out of the apartment, since it would breach the lease contract. Still, if the tenant agrees to leave, an arrangement could be made, but it is generally not the case. So, unless the tenant agrees to it, the landlord cannot tell him/her to leave, and the tenant may stay until the lease ends.

So, those who want to sell his/her property with a lease contract in force, may deal with the new buyer of the property so that they agree to buy it and continue with the lease contract until it comes to an end, and he/she will also have to obey the terms and conditions of said lease. Once the buyer agrees to this, the sale of the apartment may be made.

Once the sale is done, the tenant should be notified of the new owner of the apartment, together with the changes relating to the payment of the rent (who the tenant will have to pay to, where, etc.)

So, if you are thinking of selling your apartment and there is a lease contract in force, you should first tell the buyer of these conditions so that he/she keeps complying with the contract, and then you should notify the tenant once the sale has been made. Still, if you have any doubts, you should ask a lawyer or a specialist who can give you some advice on the matter.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

French Architecture in Buenos Aires

Many things have been said about the French-like architecture of Buenos Aires, and how it can trick people and make them believe they might be in Paris. Moreover, even though these days, there are not as plenty of buildings and French constructions as there used to be, you can still visit and check some lovely constructions with French styles.

Everyone who tours around Buenos Aires will be able to find a great variety of types and styles of architectures. Some of the constructions of Buenos Aires come from the ideas and styles that were constructed in France at that time and they are still in shape. What is more, there are some of these constructions with French style that are used as private houses or hotels, so you might even be lucky enough to live in one of them.

Some of the building where you may find French architecture and buildings in Buenos Aires are the neighbourhoods of Recoleta, Palermo Chico, and some places around Montserrat.

Nowadays, some of the famous buildings and constructions of French style (mixed with some other styles) that still prevail around Buenos Aires are: “Palacio Paz” (current “Circulo Militar” – the army officer's social club-), Palacio Ortiz Basualdo (current French Embassy), Palacio Errazuriz (current “Museo Nacional de Arte Decorativo” – Museum of decorative art-), Palacio Bosch (current USA’s Embassy), el Palacio Alvear (current Italian Embassy), Palacio Duhau (current hotel from the Hyatt chain), el Palacio Anchorena (current Branch of the Ministry of Foreign Relations and Cult), just to mention a few.

Moreover, there are other buildings and constructions you can find around Buenos Aires that are still standing and they are used as private residencies or hotels like the ones in Sarmiento and Talcahuano; Bartolome Mitre and Libertad; Lavalle and San Martin, and Lavalle and Ayacucho; Florida and Av. Corriente; Av. Belgrano and Tacuarí; Guido and Montevideo; Arenales and Libertad, among others.

Each and every construction of French style in Buenos Aires are a sign of a past time that still lives these days and that, together with the other architectural styles that are found in Buenos Aires, are a cultural and historic heritage of the city and the country.

Retro Style decoration in your apartment

After many years of being considered as “old-fashioned”, the retro style came into life once again. Nowadays, there are many shops that sell furniture and objects that are from the 50s, 60s and 70s and that they call everyone’s attention.

For those who would like to decorate their apartments with a “retro style” and they don’t know where to begin, we will now mention some tips for them to have in mind when they go in the search for retro objects and furniture around the city.

For starters, since the retro style covers many decades, there are a lot of options when it comes to decorating a room of an apartment in "retro mood". Still, it is a matter of joining the pieces and choosing what retro objects should you incorporate in your apartment so that it is not a random mixture of many things that don’t match.

An apartment decorated with a "retro style" can mean buying a couch from the 50s, 60s or 70s, or a lamp, or some decoration piece (even cushions), or it could also mean mixing the colors that tended to be used during those decades that could give your apartment a retro style. When talking about colors, the options are also wide, since according to the decade the colors that where in vogue at the time then changed. Retro style has a wide variation of colors (according to the decade), so there are plenty of options. For example, during the 50s, the trendy colors where soft and pastels (in green, yellow and blue) mixed with red, black and white. Still, in the 70s the trendy colors where stronger like orange and (flashy) green.

The idea of decorating an apartment with a retro style probably should be based on getting some objects you like and try to match them with those you already have in your apartment. As every fashion, the retro style will pass and it is important you mix that style with others that you can adapt according to the times, and your likes. The same thing happens with those objects and pieces of furniture that are too flashy; we may get tired of them after some time. Retro style tends to be peculiar in some aspects, (for example, furniture is usually too geometrical), and you may find it boring after a while. So, it is important that when decorating your apartment with a retro style you choose elements that you like, but that you can take (or put away) easily, in case you want to change them.

The retro style is the new “in” and there are many shops and places where you can get the material to decorate your apartment in retro style. It is a matter of finding those things you like and see how you can mix it with your current decoration items… If you start to decorate your apartment from scratch, it should be easier to adapt.

Friday, September 06, 2013

Tips to avoid accumulating things you don't use in your apartment

Nowadays, the mass consumption of things (you generally could live without) is something we are used to, and it could become a problem, especially if you live in a small place. Those who tend to accumulate without any reason, or who have many things in their apartments and they lack space to move around, should probably read this and see if it is good advice for them.

In the first place, is it recommended you don’t buy things you will never use, and that you know they will take up space. This applies to everything: edible things, personal (small) objects, clothes, and even pieces of furniture. Even though the things are cheap or you find them in the street in good shape and you like them, think twice if you are ever going to use that thing before taking it home.

Another tip for those people who like or can’t help accumulating things and don’t have much space at home, is you do some “cleaning” on a periodical basis (every few weeks for example, or at least, once a month). By “cleaning” we mean throwing away those things you haven’t used in a while, or that you know you don't really need. This way, (cleaning once in a while) will prevent you from having to do a big cleaning (which may take days or weeks) once a year for example. If you keep your apartment free of useless stuff, you will have more space and a cleaner (and wider) apartment. Besides, those things you don’t need and you have there taking up space, could be useful to someone else who do needs it.

This tip of getting rid of things we don’t use applies, as we have mentioned, to everything in your apartment: clothes, furniture, food, decoration objects, and everything you may think of.

Maybe these two pieces of advice are the best way to avoid accumulating things in your apartment; so remember: don’t buy things you are not going to use, and get rid of all you haven’t used in a while. This way, you may have more space at home and move freely around your apartment.

Swimming pools for backyards and Gardens

Even tough in Argentina is still not summer time, people are already looking forward to it, and together with that, people have started to think about the swimming pool they would like to have…

Those who have a backyard at home and would like to have a swimming pool will be able to choose from a wide variety of pools. The type (and size) of the swimming pool will depend mainly in the size of your backyard or garden.

For starters, the cheapest and one of the easiest swimming pools to install are the plastic ones. The plastic swimming pools are a practical alternative because they come in many sizes and they are easy to maintain. One of the pros of having a plastic swimming pool in your backyard is that, in the summer, you won't be too hot in there, and in winter you may put it away; so, you won't be loosing any space in your backyard because of the swimming pool.

Nowadays, there are also other above-ground swimming pools made of plastic or rubber that don’t have any pipes to support; you inflate the sides of the swimming pool and that is it. You only have to make sure you put the pool in a flat and smooth place. The good thing about this type of swimming pools is that you don’t need to be handling pipes to install it, like the other plastic swimming pools.

Another type of swimming pool you may consider to install in your backyard is the fiberglass pool. These swimming pools are easy to install, although it take a couple more days than when you have a plastic swimming pool. A good and interesting thing about the fiberglass swimming pools is that they come in a variety of sizes, shapes and depths. A downside of these swimming pools is that you cannot disassemble them in winter like the other pools. Still, you will have a fresh place to go in the summer.

Last, the swimming pools made of concrete are usually harder to install (or construct), specially because it takes longer. Still, once they are finished they don’t require too much maintenance. The swimming pools made of concrete are usually big (although they may have any size), and they are ideal for big back yards or gardens, so those who enjoy swimming may do so freely.

Each type of swimming pool has its technicalities when it comes to installing them, and it is always recommended you ask a specialist for he/she can tell you where the best place to install your new swimming pool is.

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Feng Shui in your bedroom

The Feng Shui is a Chinese art that was born thousands of years ago, and today, it still is a source that people use to look for answers. Those who would like to change the energy that surrounds them may want to consider rearranging your furniture in your house so you have a “feng shui friendly” environment.

For starters, one of the rooms of a house that should always be in harmony according to the Feng Shui is the bedroom. That is why, we will give you some tips for you to arrange your bedroom according to the rules of the Feng Shui, in order to find harmony and good energy in your dreams and your life.

In order to have a bedroom that adapts to the Feng Shui, there are many things to consider, such as color, objects and decoration, shapes, the distribution of things, etc.

According to the Feng Shui rules, a bedroom should have more “yin” forces than “yang”. This means that your bedroom should be in a quiet place, should have soft coverings, like carpet on the floors, and there should be space; furniture shouldn‘t have sharpen angles; the chairs should be low, just to mention a few tips.

Likewise, when it comes to colors, it is advised that the bedroom should have warm and soft colors in order to keep with the feng shui rules. If your bedroom has blue tonalities, it will help you with protection and we should have pleasant dreams; if you choose pink, it will help you with love and it will calm the spirit; the ochre and brown tonalities (not too strong) will help your bedroom be soft and relaxing… On the contrary, colors like red or bright yellow or even black will not help the energy of the bedroom to be relaxing.

Another key element that should be considered when it comes to harmonizing your bedroom according to the feng shui is the position of the bed. In order to have a feng shui-friendly bedroom, your bed should never be in front of the door or below a window, since this can generate a sense of emptiness, exhaustion, among others. It is also advised, that you don't hang any pictures above the bedroom (it could bring conflict); it is also adviced you always have a head of the bed (to avoid instability in your life). Last, since the bedroom is a place to rest, it is always important to have the bed as the main element of the room.

Moreover, in order to have a balanced bedroom according to the Feng Shui, it is important that you don’t crowd the bedroom with objects and furniture (this includes clothes and things inside your closet). Likewise, it is not good to have electronic appliances inside your room that could make any interference with the energy of the room.

So, here are some tips in order to have a Feng Shui bedroom, so you may find balance and calmness in your life, by starting with a good rest.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

5 tools you MUST have at home

There are some tools that you must have at home, since, if something breaks or we need to adjust something, we will need said tools at hand. Whether you are a man or a woman, it is always necessary to have these tools at home, so you can use them in case of emergencies or necessity.

The first tool you must have at home is a hammer. Hammers are essential and basic, since we use them for many things, like when we need to hang a picture. Likewise, hammers usually come with its back curved so we can take nails out (in case we have hammered in the wrong place.) Moreover, if you have a hammer, it is recommended that you also buy some nails (and screws to use with the screwdriver). It is recommended you buy just a few nails and screws, since there are many sizes and it is better to buy the exact size you need, when you need it…

A second tool you must have is a screwdriver, or better, screwdrivers. There are many types and sizes of screwdrivers, so it is recommended you buy a set of screwdrivers or those who come with a support and you can change the tops of the screwdrivers.

Another tool you must have at home is a spanner. Just like the screwdrivers, the spanners come in different sizes, so you should also buy a set of them, or, if not, you may get an adjustable one (like the original) which, like the name says, it adapts.

The fourth tool you must have at home is the stripper and all its derivatives. There are many types of strippers that are used for different things, like cutting, adjusting, holding, etc. You may also choose to buy a whole kit or just a couple you may think will come in handy.

Last, a tool you cannot fail to have at home is the tape measure. This tool is used all the time and it is really handy; you will probably need it more than you think.

These are 5 tools you must have at home for sure. Then you may also need some glue and insulating tape, which may get you out of trouble (at least temporarily).

How to purge your radiators

As specialists recommend that gas stoves should be checked every year before you turn them on, it is also advised that you purge the radiators from your heating system too. Purging the radiators will enhance the performance of the radiators and it will help you keep your heating up and running, and it will help you avoid overspending in your utility bills.

Radiators tend to accumulate oxygen inside, and this causes them to provide less heat than they should. For this reason, it is better to purge your radiators (i.e. Take the oxygen out of them), so they can work properly and provide the necessary amount of heat so you survive on the cold weather (and you don’t waste money).

Purging a radiator is not difficult. Every radiator has a purging device (a small device located on the upper extremities of each radiator), which can be either automatic or manual.

If the purge device is automatic, you don’t need to do anything, since it will be done (as its name says) automatically.

Still, if it is manual, you will need to do the following in order to purge your radiator: First, you will need a screwdriver or a special tool (if the radiator has a special screw). In order to purge your radiator, (or taking out the excess of oxygen within it), you need to turn the purging device a bit (only a bit and slowly!) in order to take the oxygen inside the radiator. You should put a small recipient down the purging device, since after the oxygen is out, the water will probably start running (this is when you need to close the purging device). You shouldn’t turn the purging device too much, since you could cause a mess, and water may start going out in great amounts.

It is recommended that you start purging the radiators on the upper floors, if you have more than one floor in your house; otherwise, if you live on a one-story house, you should start purging the radiators that are closer to the boiler.

As you can see, purging your radiators is not a difficult task; it is only a matter of doing it carefully. So, if they are oxygen-free, your radiators will run (and heat) better.

Monday, July 29, 2013

The evolution of the CEDIN in Argentina

At the beginning of July, the Argentine Government launched a new Certificate, called “Certificado de Depósito de Inversión”, alias CEDIN, in order to promote investments in the Real Estate Business. In addition to these certificates, CEDIN, the Government also launched a new Law which allows the declaration of (undeclared) money that people have in foreign countries, without having to pay any penalty, so they are encouraged to invest it in Argentina.

As every process, in order to analyze the results of the launching of the CEDIN and the impact over the economy in Argentina, time is the key, so we will need more time in order to make conclusions. The president of the "Camara Inmobiliaria Argentina" (Real Estate Organization in Argentina), Roberto Arevalo, mentioned that at the end of July some conclusion could be made, in order to analyze how the CEDIN is evolving, and the response it had over the people.

For the time being, the CEDIN are already available and many people have been investigating on how it works. During the first 5 days since its launching, in the City of Buenos Aires, 22 CEDIN Certificates were issued, which equaled to a sum of 1.04 million of dollars. The Argentine Government expects to sum 4 billion dollars in CEDIN Certificates by September, so the amount is not very convincing for the time being. Still, since the CEDIN Certificates have been launched only a few weeks ago, it will take time until people start trusting and investing in the CEDIN certificates. For starters, people and real estate agencies have already started to publish in the agencies and in the papers that they accept CEDIN Certificates for the real estate transactions.

In some provinces, like Mendoza, people are waiting to see the results that the province of Buenos Aires show, before jumping into investing in the CEDIN Certificates. After analyzing the results and checking the benefits of investing in the CEDINs, Mendoza and other provinces may start investing as well.

To conclude, it is still a bit early to see how the CEDIN Certificates evolve, but for the time being, they are apparently starting to work positively; it is only a matter of waiting some time before jumping into conclusions.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Madrid vs. Buenos Aires: Rent Prices

These days, Spain and Argentina are going through an economic crisis, just as most of the countries around the world are. Still, the economic crisis in Spain is not the same as in Argentina and vice versa. According to the information provided by different media in both countries, the rent prices variations in Madrid and Buenos Aires is completely opposite.
During the last year, there has been a fall in the rent prices of Spain, including Madrid, (which has always been considered one of the most expensive cities to live in). On the contrary, during the last year, Argentina has shown a raise in its rent prices and the city of Buenos Aires and its surrounding localities have felt said raise.
According to the information provided by the Spanish website, the price variation in percentage over rent at the beginning of 2013 in Madrid has been of 7%. That is to say, that in the beginning of 2013, rent prices have fallen 7% in the city of Madrid.
On the contrary, in Buenos Aires the raise over rent prices has been calculated in 20%. This percentage was higher in some of the wealthier neighbourhoods of Buenos Aires.
Nevertheless, although the prices over rent in Buenos Aires have gone up, the truth is that the income that said rent leaves to the owners of the property does not equal said raise, due to the inflation that Argentina has.

To conclude, during the last year, Madrid has been going through a fall in the rent prices and Buenos Aires has evidenced a notorious raise. Still, in both cities (Madrid and Buenos Aires), due to the economic situation, the increase and the fall of the prices have proved not to be beneficial to the owners or tenants (respectively).

Friday, July 19, 2013

Price comparison for house sales in Madrid and Buenos Aires

During the last few years, Madrid and Buenos Aires have gone through different economic situations, and its real estate panoramas have also been totally different. In Buenos Aires, during the last few years (and even the last few months) the real estate and construction boom has made prices go up when it comes to buying a house or an apartment. This, plus the increase in the dollar exchange (in Argentina the real estate transactions are generally done in dollars) have made the prices go even higher. On the contrary, in Spain, due to the economic crisis, prices have gone down. This is because there are more people interested in selling their houses than buying one. Still, in Madrid and a few other localities, prices have gone a bit higher (but not much). Nevertheless, if we compare the raise percentages, the rising tendency over the real estate prices in Buenos Aires is higher than those in Madrid.

According to some information give by the website “”, the average price of a house in Madrid in April 2013 is €2483 per square meter. It should be mentioned that Madrid is considered one of the most expensive cities of Spain.

In Buenos Aires, according to an index provided by the website, the average price of a house during May 2013 in the City of Buenos Aires was of US$2072 (a bit less than €1590).

As we have mentioned, although the prices in Madrid are still higher than those prices of a house in Buenos Aires, during the last few years, prices in Buenos Aires have gone higher in percentage than those prices in Madrid.

Likewise, the economic situation and the income per person of each country should be considered in order to see how difficult it is to earn that money in each country in order to be able to buy a house (both in Madrid and in Buenos Aires.)

Still, if we just look at the numbers, at this moment it is more expensive to buy a house in Madrid than in Buenos Aires.

5 ideas to organize your wardrobe

First, before organizing your wardrobe, we need to do some cleaning. Even though, it is sometimes hard to get rid of the clothes we don't wear too much (although they seem new), the truth is that if we don’t use it much, is because we probably don’t need it. For this reason, many experts say that if you haven’t worn that shirt, jean (or whatever) in two years, you need to get rid of it. If you give away the clothes you don't wear, you will be helping someone who does need it, and, at the same time, it will help you have more space in your wardrobe.

Once you get rid of all those clothes you don't need, a second idea to organize your wardrobe is to separate (the wardrobe) into different sectors. For example, you may use a drawer for your underwear, another one for t-shirts (you may also have one drawer for those t-shirts you wear to go to work, another one for those you use for doing exercise...), etc.

A third idea to organize your wardrobe is to use boxes (there are boxes made of carton, wood, or linen, for example). These boxes may be good to put accessories in them (necklaces, scarves, belts, handbags, etc.). This way, your wardrobe will look more tidy and organized and it will be easier to find what you need.

A fourth idea to help you organize your wardrobe is to buy those vacuum packed bags to put all those things you don’t wear too often. One example may be the blankets. If you have spare blanket in your wardrobe, you may use these bags, and so they will occupy half the space they regularly occupy. You may do the same thing with the pullovers during the summer. The good thing about these types of bags is that not only do they make things occupy half the space, but they are also good to avoid dust getting in the clothes.

Lastly, another idea to fully organize your wardrobe is to solve the shoe issue. Shoes tend to take up a lot of space, especially in women’s wardrobes who tend to have more than two pairs. For this reason, nowadays there are some elements that help you keep your shoes organized: there are piece of cloth with big pocket to put the shoes in them -you may hang this in the inner side of your wardrobe; There are also shoe organizers that are kept under the bed; there are special drawers for shoes; and, also bars to put your shoes. You should choose which shoe organizer adapts best to your needs and throw all those shoe boxes that take a lot of space in your wardrobe.

These are 5 ideas to organize your wardrobe, so you can find everything you need (when you need it).

Monday, July 08, 2013

Vertical gardens in buildings

The vertical Gardens appeared a few years ago, and they started spreading all over the world; today, they have become really popular. Vertical gardens are the solution to many problems, since not only do they make the spaces more beautiful but they also take care of the environment, improve one’s health, and they are also a good solution to those who live in apartment buildings and don’t have space for a horizontal garden.

Even though a vertical garden may cost quite a lot of money, especially if you hire a specialized person who installs all the things that a complete vertical garden must have, there are some “home-made” ways of installing your own vertical garden. For example, there are some easy ways of installing your vertical garden if you buy a special material (like a special piece of cloth with pockets to grow plants there). This is just an example of an easy and cheap way of having your own vertical garden at home.

Still, there are some more elaborate methods and structures that are good to install a vertical garden in your whole building. This method means putting a special structure with a substrate that have many qualities, that include filtering the air (in a natural way), acclimatize the environment (and reduce the use of the conditioning systems), etc.

In many parts of the world, the vertical garden systems are being used since not only do they make a place look nicer, but they are also useful to take care of the environment and they also help reducing costs.

For those buildings in the city that don’t have enough space to have a regular (horizontal) garden, the vertical garden could be a tempting and nice way of having your own “green area”.

Before installing a vertical garden, remember to check which plants are good to grow in this type of garden, since not all types of plants may survive. And, if you don’t have enough space to grow your own garden, now you have a nice option with a vertical garden.

Will the CEDIN reactivate the real estate business?

Even though they have just been launched, the “Certificados de Deposito de Inversion” "CEDIN” (for its Spanish acronym) –Deposit certificate of investment-, specialists on the area are already giving a few ideas on what they think about the new method of investment and how it could affect/benefit the Argentine economy.

Even though there are still no real or exact numbers or conclusions, many specialists of the real estate business are having high hopes on the new CEDIN launch and its possible economic reactivation effect.

The CEDINs are launched with the idea of reactivating the economy and the real estate business which has gone down for the last year in Argentina. The idea of the CEDIN is to allow people to have savings in other countries other than Argentina to declare them and bring them into the country to use them as investment. In exchange, instead of giving this people dollars, they get these CEDINs which may be used in real estate transactions.

According to the Director of “Bullrich Inmobiliarias” (a real estate agency), "the CEDIN will work more than this ‘zero functioning’. The market is completely frozen. It is not a matter of politics, but a ‘spread effect’”.

Nevertheless, according to José Rozados, the Director of the website “Reporte Inmobiliario”, the CEDIN will “hardly reactivate all the real estate segments”, and he adds that this specially applies to the medium and small-sized operators which are the most affected business at the moment.

As you can see, each person has its own beliefs and conclusions about the new launching of the CEDIN.

As we have mentioned in other opportunities, during the last months (or year), the real estate business has retracted, which has caused a big uncertainty among the real estate agents. The new launch of the CEDIN into the market could be the solution or the beginning of the reactivation of the real estate business. Nonetheless, it is a matter of waiting and analyzing the results, once they come. Many people are already asking about the CEDIN and how they work as a way of payment, so time will tell, and later in time we will be able to see what happens with the investments and the reactivation of the real estate business in Argentina.

Roofs in garden: How to avoid loosing light

If you are thinking about installing a roof in your garden, you may be wondering if it could take light out of your house. Even though putting a roof in your garden has its advantages, you need to check that (in fact) it doesn’t take light out of your house. Nevertheless, there are different types of roofs you may install in your garden or patio which are prepared to avoid this complication. How? Here, we will mention some ideas that may be useful when it comes to installing a roof on your patio.

For starters, in order to put a roof in your patio without taking any sun light, there are many roofs made of glass or different crystal materials that could be used. Nowadays, you may find from plastic materials to glasses (double, simple, thicker, thinner, unbreakable, etc). The type of material you may choose to put in your patio as a roof will depend on the type of roof you may want to install and have. Installing a roof made of glass or (transparent) plastic is ideal if you don't want to loose sun light and close your patio.

On the other hand, those who still believe that putting a roof in your patio will take you all the light, even if the roof is made of glass or plastic, these days you may find many movable roofs. This type of roof allows you to take it away if you want more light or put it if you want to be in your patio and it is raining or it’s too cool.

Having a roof in your patio made of glass or plastic that allows the light to pass into your house may be perfect so you can enjoy your patio or garden in winter, despite the cold, and the sun and its heat (and the light of course) in a cozy environment.

Moreover, besides choosing to install crystal, glass, or plastic materials specially made to use as roofs in your patio, there are different types of materials that you can use in its structure so they support the glasses. These can be thicker or thinner; it's up to you (and your budget). According to the type of structure you choose, this may take more or less sun light out of your house.

To conclude, putting a roof in your patio may be a good option if you want to enjoy this part of your house all year long, or if you need more space at home. Putting a transparent structure as a roof will let you use this area as an extra room or as a patio as well (even in winter).

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Pros and Cons of having electric blinds

Even though there are some opposite opinions on whether if it’s a good idea to install electric blinds or not, the truth is that many people have chosen to install them at their houses. For those who are thinking about installing electric blinds at home, we will mention some pros and cons of doing it.

Let’s see the pros / advantages first:

- Many people have old blinds which are heavy and big. These types of blinds may be hard to pull up and down every day, especially for those people who have back problems or some kind of pain, or even for older people. This type of "exercise" of pulling the blinds up and down may be detrimental for them.

- Installing electric blinds is comfortable and practical, especially if you have many blinds at home.

- Electric blinds generally work better than the regular ones, since its structure tends to be stronger.

- Many blinds allow you to install a timer in order the blinds go up and down alone at a certain time. This way even when you are not home, blinds will close, and it may be safer and keep the cold outside when the night comes.

Now, let’s see some of the cons / disadvantages of having electric blinds at home:

- Electric blinds need electricity, which may raise your electricity bill.

- When the light are shut off (this usually happens in Argentina), you won’t be able to pull the blinds up and/or down.

- In case the blinds have a problem, we must call a specialist. Instead, if you have regular blinds, you may ask a friend to help you solve the problem, or call a specialist (there are more people who know how to fix regular blinds, and not electric ones -again, in Argentina).

- Clearly, a downside of having electric blinds at home is that they are more expensive to install (and to buy); and also its maintenance is more expensive.

Still, having electric blinds could be a comfort that worth the investment, and if they really last longer than the regular blinds, it could be a good option.

Now that you know the pros and cons of having electric blinds at home, you can make up your mind an see what type of blinds you choose for your house.